Hello all, we are going to make a "slow" trip out to my parents in Seneca, Missouri. Here are a few of our stops along the way:
We'll be making a brief stop in San Onofre Bluffs, being lulled to sleep by the pleasant sounds of the Metrolink trains and 5 freeway traffic:
http://www.parks.ca.gov/?page_id=647We'll be in Mission Bay for 30 days to enjoy all that San Diego has to offer:
http://www.missionbayrvresort.com/Home/tabid/54/Default.aspxFrom there, it's a couple days in Laughlin, then 30 days in Flagstaff, while we visit Sedona, Grand Canyon, etc.:
http://www.woodymountaincampground.com/Then in Mid-September, we'll hit Albuquerque just in time for the State Rodeo and the Balloon Festival:
http://www.americanrvpark.com/We also hope to spend a few nights at Coronado just north of Albuquerque- it's an absolutely gorgeous setting on the Rio Grande, with a Casino next door - woo hoo!: