Since this was Brett and Olivia's last day in RMNP and they were heading east while we head west, we planned one last hike - meeting in the middle on Trail Ridge Road in RMNP for a hike on the Ute Trail. We're really gonna miss these guys (until next time - we're sure to meet up with them again) - had a great time plus they are a really good influence on us to get us out hiking father and harder (can't say our influence on them is quite so positive - certainly they've never had to hike soooooo SLOW) hahaha
Saw these big bachelors sitting off the roadside on the way up the Trail Ridge Road....
Getting ready to hit the trail, Gary and Brett were heading down to jockey the trucks into position for a one-way hike from the Alpine Visitor center to Milner Pass and the Continental Divide (a short 4-mile hike).
While Oliva and I waited at the visitor center, we checked out the elk herd below, and saw a pair of yellow-bellied marmots just below the view deck.
A marmot looking irritated that we were using his backyard as a rest stop; I think he wanted us to move on....

These guys are having too much fun...despite some rain and hail! |
ran into a family lunching on a rocky outcrop, and the kids were feeding birds from their hands... |
Came around a corner and spooked a huge elk herd just below was incredible how they bugled to each other, moving the herd in unison....I think Brett got video including the amazing vocalizations....
Coming to Milner Pass and the end of the trail...
We made it! |
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